Ocean Spray 100% Juice, No Sugar Added, Ruby Red Grapefruit

Product Details
100% Juice, No Sugar Added, Ruby Red Grapefruit
Blend of 3 juices. From concentrate with added ingredients. No sugar added (Not a low calorie food). 100% vitamin C. 2 servings of fruit. Meet Our Growers: The Banack Family - 3rd generation growers Indian River, FL. We're proud members of the Ocean Spray Cooperative, where the growers who harvest the grapefruit also own the company. There have been three generations of Banacks to grow grapefruit, but our farming roots go back even further. I first developed a love for growing fruit in Panama, where my father was involved in the banana industry. Later we moved to Florida's Indian River region where we got our start in grapefruit. The groves we planted then are the same ones my son and daughters look after today. And with a little luck my grandchildren will want to follow in our footsteps as well. Grower owned since 1930. For more about the Banack Family, visit www.oceanspray.com. No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Thanks for choosing Ocean Spray. Tastes good. Good for you! www.oceanspray.com. Pasteurized. Please recycle. Contains 100% juice. Florida grown.
Aisle 04B
UPC: 00031200330062